If you want to grow your business faster, you’ll need more meetings. That’s right more meetings, not less. Here’s why.. Businesses generally have annual planning days, monthly management meetings and a semi-regular weekly meeting. This approach can work for businesses growing at 10-15% per year. If you want to grow at 30%, 40% or even […]
Growing businesses need growing people. The reason: if a business is to grow, the people within it ALL need to be continually learning, improving and growing. I am obsessed by learning. Every single day I look for ways to learn. I listen, I read, I watch, I write and I reflect. I learn from others […]
One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever heard in life is: “Don’t dabble”. Simple as that. If you’re going to do something, commit and give it everything. From building a fast growing company that will dominant your industry, to training for a marathon or baking a cake, dabbling won’t get you there. No […]