Yesterday was The Physio Co’s 3rd Team Conference. Once a year we have a full day event that our entire team attends to learn, share and have some fun. This year’s was the best yet.
One thing we did for the first time yesterday was to share the challenges that exist in our fast growing business with our physio team. Instead of protecting our physios from the people, financial and logistical issues that our leaders deal with every day, we asked for their help. We asked for the 40+ intelligent people in the room to help figure out what we should do next.
The result: a rich group discussion that was eye opening for some and empowering for others. We now have about 8 times the number of brains working on challenges that, when solved, will grow and improve The Physio Co faster than ever. What a fantastic result!
Yesterday’s problem-sharing activity worked beautifully for problem solving, it also worked nicely to help align and focus our team. Everyone now has a better understanding of exactly why certain decisions are made.
Trust your team and ask for their help - we should have started doing it years ago!
PS - Right now I’m enroute to Brisbane for the Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer 2011 (remember this post: I’m riding 200km to help conquer cancer). After the ride, I’m having a few days off with my family. Stay tuned, I’ll be back posting in early September..