How to get more things done. Culture is Everything TV – Episode 5. Want to get more done in your day? Click here to watch this 2-minute episode & learn the one change you can make today to get more done at work and at home.
This is the first of my monthly posts for Dynamic Business magazine… _______ A strong culture creates time in your day. Lack of time is the biggest problem facing most small business owners. Why? Because their entire business resolves around them. I was exactly the same, but I found a solution. Creating a strong family […]
What happens when a job needs to be finished by 5pm Friday? It gets done on Friday. Even if it came in on Monday! What about if that same job needed to be finished by Wednesday at 5pm? It gets done on Wednesday! ”I’ll get it done by Wednesday” is nearly always code for […]
‘Time management’ is a misnomer. I can’t ‘manage’ time. No one can. Time passes whether I like it or not. What I’ve discovered is that ‘self management’ is the key to getting more done. And one of the best systems I’ve come across to manage myself is The Entrepreneurial Time System. The Entrepreneurial Time System (TETS) was created […]
In the past fifty years there have been three major ways that people in business communicate in writing: 1. Post. Delivered once per day & sorted by someone in the office. 2. Fax. Delivered throughout the day & sorted by someone in the office. 3. Email. Delivered throughout the day & sorted by the recipient. […]
Answer: Go on a short holiday! Seriously, if you are a Manager/CEO/Business Owner with people reporting to you, going on holiday is a fantastic way to create ongoing time in your diary (even after you get back!). Here’s how I do it… It’s well documented that people work much more productively in the days prior […]
Are you attached to your email account? Do you HAVE to check it every 10 minutes? Why? Email can be helpful. It’s a cool way to transfer photos, files and ideas at work and at home. But it’s not as important as you might think. In an emergency, would you email for an ambulance? […]