As a leader, do you notice the people in your team? I don’t mean just know when they’re in the office, but really notice them? I reckon you should know exactly how each person in your team is feeling most of the time. Eg. right now, is Sally happy/sad/stressed/excited? How about Cyril, is he engaged/distracted/overworked/not […]
How much authority do the people that serve your clients and customers have? In my experience, delegating the greatest amount of responsibility to the customer-facing members of a team is one of the most effective things I can do. Empowering team members with the information, authority and confidence to deal with as many situations […]
This week in The Physio Co support office there’s been a lot of smiling. In fact, I’ve had a goal to create 100 smiles a day. Why? Why not! Smiling is fun Smiling is infectious Smiling makes the day more memorable Smiling uses energy Smiling creates more energy There are probably thousands more reasons to […]
The words I use play such a huge part in my life. Positive thoughts and positive words usually means a positive result. Negative words, negative results. Pretty simple. I had a conversation about this with a friend a couple of days ago. She loved the concept of choosing more positive words and made a decision: […]
“Not bad” is THE most common response to the question ‘how are you?”. “Pretty average”, “Okay”, “Sh!thouse” and “Oh, so-so” are other common responses. I find this ridiculous. Why on earth would you rate yourself on a scale of how bad you are feeling?! Our lives are quite simply the story we tell ourselves. Or, […]