Gathering feedback from the team is an age-old concept that most leaders will say is important. But how good are you at it? How often do you really listen? Tonight, after everyone else had gone home I sat for an hour with one of our physios. We talked about how things are going for her, […]
Helping someone out is one of life’s simple pleasures. Even better is helping someone when you didn’t even know it! In the past week, three of you, yep you, reading this blog, have messaged/tweeted/spoken to me with feedback on my posts. All of these messages have been people saying: “your blog has helped.” Hearing […]
I love feedback. I love receiving it so that I can reflect and improve. I also love helping my team mates by providing constructive feedback that challenges their thinking. Today I got it wrong… This morning I gave feedback to someone when I was annoyed (getting annoyed – a bad choice. I should’ve re-read this […]
How often do you seek feedback? Is there ever enough? Today a good mate called me for some feedback on a tricky work situation. I was a long way removed (different business, different industry, different state!), but I was hopefully able to help out by providing a different perspective. When the phone call ended, I […]