When I pick up the phone, there is always a reason for making the call. I either want to learn something or I want to make something happen. It’s that simple. I have a purpose for every phone call and I plan to get that result, everytime. Is this the same for you?
Today I realised that not everyone is as focussed as this. It seems there are plenty of phone calls and conversations that don’t achieve much. What a waste of time!
Why pick up the phone if you don’t have a clear purpose? Even worse, why start a conversation that you expect to get no result from (eg - calling someone and expecting them not to answer and not to call you back).
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made plenty of calls where the person at the other end can’t or won’t make a decision and their approach is to not return my call. But I don’t let them get away with it. I call the person that sits next to them, I call their assistant, I call their boss, I’d even call their mum if I thought it would help!
Time is precious. Decide what you need and then make it happen. One effective conversation at a time.