Back in 2009, The Physio Co created our first Painted Picture vision of how our business would look, act & feel in three years time. One of the goals in that vision was that by 31 December 2012: “We have more than 50 fantastic team members that are appreciated for the great work they do.”
Well, today is the day! As of April 11, 2012 The Physio Co family has more than 50 members. Woohoo!! The Physio Co Painted Picture is coming to life.
Welcome to new TPCers May & Adrian who joined us today & helped us hit our milestone.
Thanks so much to everyone at The Physio Co for believing in our vision and helping bring it to life. We’ve achieved this goal 264 days early, and it feels fantastic!!
Yep, we've hit our goals and we're celebrating (TPCers - please check your mailboxes for a little pressie; Jess - thanks for the awesome cake!)
The Physio Co family is a fun and exciting place to work. Stay tuned for even more of our Painted Picture of 2012 goals to come true in the next few months...