I missed a post.
January 7, 2011 - no post.
The reason i missed it: I had no routine as to when and where I would write it. Even though I had been thinking about the post a heap of times on the 7th, I never locked in a time to make it happen. And then I forgot about it :(
What a waste of energy all that thinking about the post was! I could have been thinking about or doing other much more important stuff (like riding my bike)!
I’ve learnt from my mistake (see post on mistakes), I’m now more prepared (see post on being prepared) and I’m committed to posting everyday in 2011. It’s in the calendar as a rolling appointment everyday.
Routine will set me free. My new rhythm of when and where I blog will make posting everyday just part of what I do (like brushing my teeth!).
Schedule it. Stick to it. Forget about it.