How often does your work involve the stuff you really love to do? For a lot of people, it’s not often enough. But you can make it happen.
One thing I love doing at work is sharing stories about the amazing people I work with at The Physio Co. It energises me.
As the CEO, some would say that talking to people including the media, our customers, clients, suppliers and bankers is just part of my job. If that’s the case, I have the best job in the world!
Today, I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by SmartCompany for their Entrepreneur Zone column. Therefore, about an hour and a half of my day involved preparing for and talking about the past, present & future at The Physio Co. What a dream! The column is based upon the strong team and family-like culture that we are building at The Physio Co. One of my favourite topics!
After the conversation wrapped up, I went back to my desk with a spring in my step feeling fantastic. The rest of the day flew by and I got heaps done.
Lesson learned: schedule more of the stuff you love!