Culture is Everything, this blog(!) has been nominated for the Best Australian Blog Awards 2012. Awesome!
Last year Culture is Everything was listed as one of Australia's 25 Best Business Blogs by SmartCompany. This year it could be a Best Australian Blog Award. I'm rapt to be in the running for this award and pretty humbled at the same time.
Thanks so very much to you, the person reading this post. Without your support this blog site wouldn't be what it is today. I'm inspired by you, the person that takes the time to swing by and read the posts, drop me an email, ask a question or make a comment. I love sharing what I learn and sincerely hope that it helps.
If you have just 30 seconds, please lend a click to support Culture is Everything in the Peoples' Choice award of the Best Australian Blogs 2012 competition. Please click here and vote for Culture is Everything. I'd really appreciate your help.