I love engaging with people, learning new things and then sharing what I've learned. Growing myself and then my team through many years running a growing healthcare business that's been recognised as one of Australia's best places to work on nine occasions has meant I've had to learn and grow - that's the only way I know to make progress.
This learning and sharing is part of the reason that I speak, run workshops, write articles and books, and now host a podcast.
Yes folks, I have a new podcast - it's called Think Big, Act Small - and I've produced it specifically for leaders, managers and entrepreneurs who want to fast-track their personal and professional growth.
I've opted for the informal interview format, and will over the course of the podcast series be chatting with successful business leaders to uncover ideas, lessons, tips and strategies.
The underlying theme is purposeful leadership, both in a business and personal sense. I'm a big believer in asking good questions, finding answers and then quickly taking action so we can become even better versions of ourselves.
The first couple of episodes are already published, ready for your ears! In episode two (the first episode, below, is a quick introduction to the podcast), I chat with Dr Glen Richards, entrepreneur, investor and one of the judges on Channel 10's Shark Tank Australia.
I will be following it up with episode three, an interview with Jack Delosa, the founder and CEO of Australia's largest education institution for entrepreneurs, The Entourage.
The Think Big, Act Small podcast. It’s for those of us who have a dream, a plan, an idea about how something in our lives could be better. To make that dream come to life, we have to firstly grow ourselves … and THEN we have to take action.
Please have a listen and, if you like it, I'd love it if you'd be kind enough to share it with someone else via email or your socials.
If you REALLY like it (or you're a super-helpful person willing to lend a hand / act small) consider giving it a quick review on iTunes - reviews help other people find it.
I'd really appreciate your help spreading the word about the Think Big, Act Small podcast :)
All published Think Big, Act Small episodes are available here.