Old is new again - how thinking big, then acting small, can improve your day.

Doing the right thing, because it's the right thing is important to me. I'm not talking about huge actions. I mean the little things that add up, like:

  • being kind to my family even when I'm feeling exhausted;
  • being kind to my workmates even when I have a mountain of things on my own to do list; and,
  • being kind to the people I meet on the street, not because they can help me, but because perhaps it will help them.

Some might call this 'playing the long game', or investing in relationships for the future.  Maybe they're right. But, that's not why I think it's the right thing to do.

I think it's the right thing to do, because I think it's the right thing to do. I believe that kind gets kind.

I don't always get this right. Sometimes I am distracted and forget to properly engage with the people I'm with.

When that happens, I do my best to recover quickly and acknowledge that I've messed up.

At the business I lead, The Physio Co, we have a 'Think Big, Act Small' core value that guides us in the way we act, treat each other and make decisions.

It's written like this:


We are David, not Goliath. Therefore:

We are always prepared to ‘give it a go’

We are nimble, flexible and easy going.

We always ask: “what can I do next?”

We all help to achieve our painted picture of the future

Core values are a way of documenting what's important to us as a group and to give suggestions as to how we can take action in small ways every day.

The reality is that The Physio Co's Think Big, Act Small core value has been lived in thousands of ways over the last nine or so years.

Every team member understands it and lives that value just a little bit differently, but, together we are leaning-in to the big idea of contributing to something greater than ourselves and taking the small actions to bring it to life.

Think Big, Act Small has been an important concept for me for as long as The Physio Co has existed.

In 2018, the idea seems to be growing faster for me than ever before.

I love how the idea of thinking big and then acting small helps me to imagine a better future and then reminds me to take action in small ways to bring that to life.

I love discussing the idea with all sorts of people - from my very young kids to older people in aged care homes and everyone in between.

Thinking big then acting small. What does it mean to you?